Wednesday, February 19

What Are the Medical Advantages of Cannabidiol (CBD)?


Many doubts exist about the cannabis product and its purported health benefits. What we now know about CBD is applicable to a broad variety of products and uses. Increasing numbers of CBD lattes, CBD facials, and other CBD-infused products are being marketed in cafes and spas, demonstrating the growing interest in CBD for cosmetic purposes. CBD is also available in gummy form, in addition to the traditional hard candies. Although the modern CBD oil form may seem innovative, cannabidiol, or CBD as it is more often known today, has been around for millennia. Over thousands of years, humanity has recognised the plant’s commercial value and medicinal use. While CBD has gained in popularity, there is still a lack of clear information on how best to utilise it. How can you know the goods you’re buying are authentic? What, if any, health benefits does it offer? How about the CBD’s legitimacy as a medication? Here, we’ll address the most pressing concerns you’ve voiced about cannabidiol (CBD).

Just what is CBD, exactly?

Both marijuana and hemp are derived from the cannabis plant, however they are two quite different plants. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and products made with CBD are two of the chemicals that can be isolated from these plants (CBD). Marijuana often has a higher concentration of THC and a lower percentage of CBD. Hemp, on the other hand, has far higher concentrations of CBD and much lower concentrations of THC. When compared to THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, the CDC reports that CBD does not provide a “high” when eaten. This is the main difference between the two.

No Option to Get High

In a nutshell, no, if you want my honest opinion. Although cannabis plants contain hundreds of chemicals (called phytocannabinoids), the CDC identifies CBD and THC as the two most important ones. Medical marijuana expert and osteopathic doctor Junella Chin, DO, explained that CBD is the non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant. As a result, “this means that you won’t feel any effects like exhilaration.”


In addition, you should only purchase CBD that has undergone independent testing. Since over-the-counter products made with CBD are not regulated by the FDA, you may end up with a product that is much stronger or weaker than advertised, or that even contains traces of THC. Additionally, while not regulating CBD products, the FDA will issue warning letters to firms that breach certain guidelines, such as producing items that incorporate THC or making deceptive medical claims on packaging.